On December 5th, a Redditor asked the subreddit "Is hog rider balanced?" receiving over 75 replies. In November 2021, Redditor Flavy50 asked /r/ClashRoyale users for opinions on the hog rider after noticing it's being "overused" and calling it "annoying" gaining over 980 upvotes and 390 comments discussing the card.

In late 2021, posts complaining about hog-rider-based decks became more common on the /r/ClashRoyale subreddit, many claiming hog rider decks need to be nerfed and that they're overused by players. On May 13th, YouTuber Los bartkos 2 posted an edit of the hog rider trailer where the rider yells the n-word followed by an intense bass boost to the backing track, gaining over a million views in seven months. On May 4th, Instagram user clsamet shared fan art of the troop he'd been drawing, gaining over 9,000 likes in seven months (shown below, right). On April 5th, Instagram user illegalminecraft posted a meme comparing hog rider to the pig jockey mob in Minecraft, gaining over 30,000 likes in eight months (shown below, left). The video was reposted by Instagram user realerstiffy the same day, gaining over 199,000 views and 21,000 likes. On January 22nd, 2021, Instagram user lilmotherfigure posted a video of the GIF with additional music, gaining over 70,000 views and 17,000 likes in 11 months (shown below). On October 3rd, 2020, Tenor user DestroyingRobot posted a 2016 GIF from GFYcat showing a man getting on a pig and riding away with the additional bottom text "HOG RIDER" (shown below). The video gained over 92 million views in five years. On November 19th, 2016, the Clash of Clans YouTube page posted a 360-degree AR video to YouTube that allows the viewer to rotate the camera from the POV of a hog rider running through a field (shown below). It gained over 122 million views in six years (shown below). The trailer ends on a freeze-frame of the riders right before they charge. They answer the call to action and ride to battle. Numerous identical hog riders hear the call as it echoes across the land.

A hog rider jumps onto the battlefield and yells "hog riders!" in a high-pitched tone. In the ad, a clan is being overpowered while storming a keep. On May 11th, 2015, the official Clash of Clans YouTube channel posted an animated television advertisement for the mobile game focusing on the hog rider troop. On January 4th, 2016, the Hog Rider card was added to the spinoff game Clash Royale. On March 12th, 2013, the hog rider troop was added to Clash of Clans.